Livening up my guided math rotations each month are NEVER a struggle during the holidays! I like to keep about 10 center choices each month and save about FIVE of them for something seasonal and out of the ordinary. Here is some fun tips for storing those seasonal choices to make some of your OLD centers NEW again!
I love using this Sterlite Photo container to organize 5-6 sets of task cards. I will switch these out monthly, but my students are familiar with the location and procedure that remains the same. The bins takes up such a small space that it is perfect if you have space limitations.
These are especially ideal if you wave centers with smaller pieces. I know that they will not be lost or fall out of a basket if I have them contained in these nifty plastic containers! This set shown is from my December Math Mini Center Bundle for 2nd Grade
I also love grabbing any seasonal gift bag and throwing in a few centers or sets of task cards. Games are somehow "cooler" in a bag! Simply adding a unique touch adds some pizzazz during my guided math rotations!
Another advantage to using gift bags is that you can decide if you want the center to be a seatwork activity of a partner activity is a selected space in the room! It is a great way to self-contain the activity.
How do you jazz up your centers? Leave a comment! I'd love to try something new!